A miscellaneous creative project
Publisher: PrintWorks Leeds Format: Zine, 8.3", 20 page spread City: London Time: Nov 2023 - Jan 2024Starting as a creative project, this homegrown zine is dedicated as a small outlet for up-and-coming people, places, stories around London. As a student, this was my way of exercising my creativity and bringing making something meaningful. Copies of the magazine was sold at BeauBeaus Cafe, Reference Point, Imperial College and The Grove DIY Skatepark.
Raised £550 for MAP (Medical Aid For Palestinians)
Inspiration: My inspiration was drawn from magazines, album covers, comic book covers and other images related to bold, big titled visuals
The design was iterated over 4 different stages. The initial designs were done on paper, then translated into Procreate. Colour blocks were given, and each section was coloured iteratively. This was then transferred to Sketchbook for some custom brushes as well as as the 3 point perspective employed within this design. Page Spread
Adobe Photoshop, Procreate, Figma, Adobe Illustrator were used to develop and collate information. Final designs were formatted in Photoshop for printing. This 6-page spread shows the header pages for each place interviewed. This ranged from up-and-coming people in the space, to places that must be visited by the readers. Each interview featured a different colour, and each interviewee was featured in a 2-page format. Photographs, design, branding was done by me.