Vaibhav Singh

Penultimate Year MEng Design Engineer at Imperial College London. Portfolio displaying Interaction Design, Software Development and Motion Design. 

+44 7857066262

(Made with HTML,CSS, JS in 2024)

Other Projects

Percussive - a DIY Drum machine Concept
Gesture Speaker - A gesture controlled speaker
Petit Pli Installation - a store exhibit

ADAPT A smart hand rehabilitation device for stroke survivors (finished)

Live prototype built, interface prototyped using JS & Figma
Format: App & IoT Device
Location: London
C++, JS, Arduino, Electronics, Figma 
Year: 2024
A medical device made for stroke hand rehabilitation, this innovation is targeted as a way of personalising the process of recovery for stroke patients. UI was prototyped for patient feedback

It allows 135° of freedom for flexion and extension, and 360° of wrist rotation. Resistance/assistance for each finger is customised as readings are taken through FSRs (force-sensing resistors), and mapped to the motor speed inside the casing. 

The brief was to come up with a product that was smart, and aided stroke survivors in gaining motor functions back again. Thus, the focus went on addressing the question of:

How might we tackle the lack of patient motivation & quantitative rehab growth through new interfaces?
Initial Ideation
Ideation was conducted in both digital and physical interfaces. Research was done to see which exercises stroke survivors used particularly to enhance motor functions. It was also found that communication with doctors during this time is strained. To tackle this, the product would have a direct connection with the doctor to ease communication and efficiency. 

Physical and digital ideation

Home Page - User can see their rehab progress as indicated by their doctor. Gives goals in terms of exercises, adds milestones, etc. 

Goals Page -
Users can add personal goals, set different parameters. This can also be directly edited by doctors to assign goals for patient. 

Exercises Page -
Users can choose which exercises and individual fingers to improve upon. It also shows which muscle groups the doctor wants the patient to focus on

Interaction demo captured and shared on Vimeo.